Home, School and Community: A Partnership For a Happy Life?

Home, School and Community: A Partnership For a Happy Life?

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Edited by: Michelle Pieri, Alessandro Pepe, Loredana Addimando

After Copenhagen 1996, Amsterdam 1999, Rotterdam 2001, Gdansk 2003, Oviedo 2005, Nicosia 2007 and Malmoe 2009, in 2011 the biennial International Conference of the European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE) takes place in Milan (Italy). The eight edition of the ERNAPE’s Conference is meant to give the opportunity to scholars from all over the world to debating and exchange experiences about the theme: “Home, School and Community: a partnership for a happy life?”

Among the abstracts submitted, it is easy to notice a keen interest of researchers on the themes of integration of immigrant communities, and on the very diverse perspectives held by the “partners” of the difficult HSC partnership. This is good news: the world is quickly changing, so it is just natural that a research conference reflects these changes. We hope that the Conference will stimulate discussions among researchers in order to further refine their research tools and designs, and help them to develop new research objectives and wider research networks.

Pubblicato col contributo dell'ERNAPE (
European Research Network about Parents in Education)

Da inserire:

    ISBN: 978-88-96026-74-8
    Pagine: 192 
    Copertina rigida
    Formato: 14,5x21 cm
    Data di pubblicazione: giugno 2011
    Editore: Emil

Data di inserimento in catalogo: 22.06.2011.

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